Prof. Dr. med. Axel Rominger

Klinikdirektor und Chefarzt

+41 31 632 26 10
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Prof. Rominger, Axel, MD, MHBA

Full Professor

Director and Chairman Dept. of Nuclear Medicine

University Hospital Bern (Inselspital)



Academic appointments

Since 04/2018                    Full Professor for Nuclear Medicine at the University of Bern, Switzerland

Since 2019                         Visiting Professor at Fudan University, Shanghai, China



1997-2004                           Medical training at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany

                                            Degree: MD


Academice Degrees / Board Certification

2017                                      Master in Health Business Administration (MHBA) at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg

2015                                      außerplanmäßige Professur, LMU Munich

2011                                      Habilitation (Venia legendi) in Nuclear Medicine, LMU München

2011                                      Board certification in Nuclear Medicine

2004                                      Doctoral Thesis in Human Medicine at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg


Previous Professional Positions

2013 -2018                           First Consultant and Vice Director of the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich,

                                             Germany (Director: Prof. Dr. P. Bartenstein)

2011 - 2012                          Fellowship MRI, Radiological Institute, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany

2007 - 2011                          Residency in Nuclear Medicine, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany

2005 - 2007                          Residency in Neurosurgery, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany

2003                                     Research Fellowship, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA



Scholarships and Awards

As group leader/advisor:

2016                                      Travel Scholarship of the Japanese-German Radiological Association (JGRA): Research Elective at Kinki University

                                              Osaka, Japan (F. Scheiwein)

2016                                      Award for the Best Medical Thesis of the Medical Faculty, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Dr. M. Brendel)

2015                                      Steinberg-Krupp Alzheimer Award of the „Deutsche Hirnliga e. V.“ (Dr. M. Brendel)

2015                                      Young Investigator Award (Neuroscience) of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Baltimore, USA (Dr. M. Brendel; 1. Platz)


2013                                      Poster Award at the German Society Meeting, Bremen

2012                                      Young Investigator Award (Neuroscience) at the Society of Nuclear Medicine in Miami, USA

2011                                      Covidien Award, received at the German Society Meeting, Bregenz, Austria

2011                                      Award of the German Society of Nuclear Medicine, received at the German Society Meeting, Bregenz, Austria

2010                                      Travel Award at the Society of Nuclear Medicine in Salt Lake City, USA

2009                                      Young Investigator Award (Cardiovascular) at the Society of Nuclear Medicine in Toronto, Canada

2008                                      Young Investigator Award at the 3rd Congress of Integrated Biomarkers in Seattle, USA

2003                                      Scholarship of the Erwin-Riesch Stiftung for Research Fellowship at Harvard Medical School


  • Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI)
  • European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)
  • German Society of Nuclear Medicine (DGN)
  • Brain Imaging Council (DGN)
  • Japanese-German Radiological Association (JGRA)
  • Bavarian Society of Nuclear Medicine (BGN)
  • Swiss Society of Nuclear Medicine (SGNM), Board Member